The Kingdom of God According to Jesus DVD



The Bible has much to say about the Kingdom of God and the Messiah’s role in restoring God’s Kingdom on earth. And yet many today are uncertain and confused about the Kingdom. It doesn’t have to be complicated! Join FOI’s outstanding Bible teachers to discover what the Bible says about the Kingdom of God—today and in the future.

Conference Messages and Speakers:

    Messiah’s Words on the Kingdom—Chris Katulka
    What Moses Says About the Kingdom—Steve Herzig
    What the Prophets Say About the Kingdom—Ty Perry
    The Apostolic Teachings of the Kingdom— Dan Price
    The Kingdom of God Restored — Already or Not Yet?—Mike Stallard
    The Kingdom in the New Heavens and New Earth—Jim Showers

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(Format: 2-Disc DVD, Closed Caption, 218 minutes, Code: V044C)