Throughout history Jewish people have suffered much persecution from many who claim the name of Jesus without following His Word at all. Yet many true believers in Christ love this people group. There’s a good reason for that—Christians have more reason than anyone to love the Jewish people! Check out the 10 best reasons Christians should support Israel in this unique tract designed to share the truth of God’s love for His Chosen People.
Pamphlet, 40 pages, Code: T028C
This concise and attractive prophetic time line, compiled by Renald E. Showers, clearly explains Daniel’s prophecy of 70 weeks determined on Israel and how the Church Age fits into the prophetic blueprint.
Poster, Overall size: 12” x 18”, Code: PPANC
In ancient times, a Jewish bridegroom would go to his fiancée’s home to take her as his wife. In the same way, Jesus came to earth to take the Church as His bride. This is but one of many meaningful correlations between ancient Jewish marriage customs and Jesus’ relationship to those who believe in Him. Find out more about this analogy and its significance in your life in this fascinating pamphlet by Dr. Renald E. Showers.
Pamphlet, 16 pages, Code: T005C
This chart refutes common lies planted by the Devil with the truth God has promised in His Word. (Design: Thomas E. Williams)
Poster, Overall size: 12” x 18”, Code: PLIEC
Is England the new Israel? We don’t think so. Middle East expert Elwood McQuaid addresses the false idea that anglo-saxons are the so-called 10 lost tribes of Israel and heirs of God’s promises to Israel. Educate yourself on the history behind this teaching and learn what the Bible has to say about the true identity of the Jewish people.
Pamphlet, 11 pages, Code: T004C
This timeline frames the wonderful account of deliverance in the book of Esther within a key era of Jewish history, from captivity to the return to Jerusalem. (Design: Thomas E. Williams)
Poster, Overall size: 12” x 18”, Code: PEHPC
In this dramatic portrayal of Herod’s Temple, artist Stan Stein transports us back in time to witness the nightlong ceremony that marked the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles.
Poster, Overall size: 18” x 30”, Code: PFEAC
Have you ever wondered why the Jewish people have been scattered throughout the nations of the world more consistently than any other people? Why anti–Semitism persists in rearing its ugly head repeatedly throughout history? Why Nazism specifically targeted the Jewish people for genocide in the Holocaust of World War II? Why the Jews have endured despite all their persecutions? Why they tenaciously hold on to the land they presently occupy in the Middle East? Why the modern State of lsrael, despite its small size, is repeatedly the focus of the world's attention?
In this pamphlet by Renald Showers, the answers to these questions are found in certain basic facts about the nation of Israel. And knowledge of these facts is essential if you want to understand not only these issues, but God’s plan and purpose for history.
Pamphlet, 20 pages, Code: T012C
So much Bible teaching centers around Jewish holidays. Now you can learn about these important events, how they are celebrated and how they fit into God's plan, by purchasing our 11 pamphlet Holiday Series Pack. Each pamphlet is interesting, clear, concise, and provides a quick and easy way to learn about the Jewish holidays and their importance in God's Word. They're also excellent for Sunday school and Bible studies.
This pack includes:
Pesach: Passover and the Feast Of Unleavened Bread
Shavuot: The Feast of Weeks
Rosh Hashanah: The Jewish New Year
Yom Kippur: The Day of Atonement
Sukkot: The Feast of Tabernacles
Hanukkah: The Festival of Lights
Sabbath: The Day of Rest
Purim: Joyously Celebrating the Faithfulness of God
Simchat Torah: Rejoicing Over the Law
Yom Ha-Sho'ah: Holocaust Remembrance Day
The Fast Days of Israel
Pamphlets, Code: T025C
A powerful tool for sharing your faith! In 10 short pages, David Levy gives clear answers to some critical questions using the Jewish Scriptures: What hinders peace with God? Why can’t mitzvahs (good deeds) bring peace? And how can a person make peace with God?
Pamphlet, 10 pages, Code: T003C
Not sure how to talk to someone about Jesus? Let this tract do the work for you! In this 16-page pamphlet, David M. Levy provides proof that Jesus is the Messiah. His list of crucial prophecies concerning the Messiah and their fulfillments in Jesus could very well be what your friend needs to finally understand the Good News.
Pamphlet, 16 pages, Code: T001C
This is Steve Herzig's personal testimony about how he accepted Jesus Christ as his Messiah and Savior after growing up in Orthodox Judaism.
Pamphlet, 12 pages, Code: T011C
Is yours an interfaith marriage? Do you know someone struggling with an interfaith marriage? Where to worship? How to raise the children? David Levy offers a solution to this spiritual dilemma: the Messiah of Israel. Find out why in this simple, clear, and Bible-based pamphlet!
Pamphlet, 9 pages, Code: T006C
The creedal statement of Judaism is Deuteronomy 6:4: “Here, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one!” So how can He be three? In this 11-page pamphlet, Mark Robinson examines the Jewish Scriptures to answer that all-important question. If there is only one God, how can the Messiah be God? You may be surprised at what the Old Testament teaches about the Son of God.
Here’s a poster that will help you show that God ALWAYS does what He says He will do! This fabulous poster contains historical information that shows the literal fulfillment of many past prophecies. Plus it reveals what is yet to come. No church, Christian school, or Sunday school should be without this poster by Thomas C. Simcox. (Design: Thomas E. Williams)
Poster, Overall size: 12” x 18”, Code: PGLAC
With this unique poster by theology Professor Richard D. Emmons, you’ll have a complete outline of the book of Revelation, so you can instantly scan God’s prophetic program and see which events belong in each chapter. Dr. Emmons’s chart takes a complicated book and makes it possible for everyone to understand it. (Design: Thomas E. Williams)
Overall size: 12” x 18”
Our Survey of Isaiah poster by Tom Simcox explains the book of Isaiah’s divisions using Dr. Buksbazen’s outlines. It will give you a better grasp of the prophet’s message and of God’s prophetic Word.
Overall size: 11” x 17”
This rendering by artist Stan Stein dramatically depicts the grandeur of Herod’s Temple, which stood on Mount Moriah at the time of Christ.
Overall size: 20” x 31”
This popular and memorable depiction of heaven and hell by well-known artist William C. Ressler illustrates that Jesus Christ is the only bridge between Heaven and Earth, God and man, and our only hope of an eternity spent in glory with Him.
Poster, Overall size: 18” x 30”, Code: PBRIC
At different times, God gave mankind various stewardships, or dispensations, with a view toward glorifying Himself. This chart, compiled by Richard D. Emmons, explains the dispensations and the basis of Dispensational Theology. (Design: Thomas E. Williams)
Overall size: 12” x 18”, Code: PDISC
This poster, compiled by Thomas C. Simcox, is the perfect tool for presenting humanity’s need and God’s provision of salvation through Jesus Christ . . . using both the Old and New Testaments. (Design: Thomas E. Williams)
Poster, Overall size: 12” x 18”, Code: PGOSC
This poster helps you keep track of all the judgments listed in Revelation with pictures and Scripture references for each judgment. The seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments are listed and illustrated to easily reference and remember the highly important truths God has revealed about the end-times. We have NEVER seen anything better for explaining the judgments in the book of Revelation.
Compiled by Thomas C. Simcox. Illustrated by Thomas E. Williams.
Overall size: 12” x 18”
Este póster fabuloso realizado por Thomas C. Simcox, pone la verdad eterna de Dios al alcance de sus manos. Extraordinario para aquellos que educan en casa a sus hijos, escuelas cristianas y negocios, centros de crisis de embarazo y cualquier lugar donde usted desee iluminar con la verdad de Dios (diseñado por: Thomas E. Williams).
Tamaño: 12’’ x 18’’
The Jesus of Islam is not the Jesus of the Bible. This unique poster by Christian theologian Emir Caner shows the differences clearly and concisely. (Design: Thomas E. Williams)
Overall size: 12” x 18”, Code: PMUSC