Digital Media Outreach

Reach the World for Jesus

With your support of our Digital Media Outreach, you can touch lives around the world with God’s truth through FOI’s teaching ministry. Your financial support is expanding our digital teaching as quickly as possible. From setting up studio space and filling it with technical audio and video equipment to producing and broadcasting excellent conferences, programs and newscasts, your help is absolutely critical to edify the church, evangelize the lost, and enlighten people near and far to the importance of Israel and the Messiah.

Your gift will help develop exciting, new digital content and open the gospel to new audiences today.

Code: PR585

Gift Amount (CAD)


It is our practice at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry to use gifts as designated for the support of specific workers and projects. However, to ensure gifts are tax-deductible, federal law requires us to maintain complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.