ORIGINS Volunteer Sponsorship

It’s never been more important than now to invest in teaching young adults about God’s incredible plan for Israel. One of the most effective ways to do that is through our ORIGINS outreach trip to Israel, where young people come together to serve the Jewish people. Our team humbly serves at a local Jewish hospital, or in farm fields picking fruit and vegetables for Israel’s National Food Bank, or other meaningful service projects.

This immersive experience ingrains the significance of the Jewish people into the hearts of our workers. They see for themselves how important it is to serve those who are so important to the heart of God. ORIGINS (Our Resolve Is Giving Israel Never-ending Support) is a unique opportunity to open the eyes of our young adults—the new generation to carry the torch—to be the friends of Israel. Please consider sponsoring a young adult to send him or her on this life-changing trip.


Gift Amount (CAD)


It is our practice at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry to use gifts as designated for the support of specific workers and projects. However, to ensure gifts are tax-deductible, federal law requires us to maintain complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.