Cameron & Amber Joyner (Georgia)

Assistant Program Ministries Director / Atlanta, Georgia

What is unique to your role at The Friends of Israel?

As the Assistant Program Ministries Director, I serve the Church and the Jewish community from the Atlanta area. Additionally, I have the privilege of serving alongside Bruce Scott, Director of Program Ministries, to develop programs that provide Christians with the opportunity to learn about Israel, serve the Jewish people, and share their love for the Jewish community in the US and abroad.

What inspires you most to do what you do for FOI?

My passion is to stand for truth. The truth of God's plan for Israel should be stood for in the church, and the truth about the Jewish Messiah must be shared in the community.

What is one bit of wisdom you have for those who want to share the love of the Messiah with others?

The love of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, cannot be shared with others if we do not demonstrate that sacrificial love ourselves. How we live our lives says just as much about who we follow as what we say.

What Scripture compels you the most to do what you do?

"For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile" (Romans 1:16, NLT).

What books have you read (other than the Bible) that have impacted your spiritual life most?

Other than the Bible itself, The Great Commission to Worship was influential in my life because it shaped my understanding of how our obedience to God's call in our lives as Christians is itself an act of worship. Additionally, I enjoy reading theologians like Geisler, Ryrie, Fruchtenbaum, Showers, Pentecost, Edersheim, and MacArthur.

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