Paul & Lynnette Scharf (Wisconsin)

Church Ministries Representative / Columbus, Wisconsin

What is unique to your role at The Friends of Israel?

I have the remarkable opportunity of representing this historic ministry in churches throughout the Midwest—many of which have their own rich heritage of interest in and support for The Friends of Israel. It is my joy to meet the people within these churches and assure them that FOI remains committed to the doctrines and principles upon which it was founded. It is my privilege to remind them that God still has a future for Israel and will fulfill every promise and prophecy He has ever given them.

What inspires you most to do what you do for FOI?

I am humbled by the opportunity to reassure people that God’s plan is right on schedule—no matter what may appear to be happening in the culture. He is working everything for the good of His people, and His Word gives us the answers that make sense of the chaos in our world. Whenever I can share any part of those truths with an individual who is eager to learn, the sense of satisfaction is overwhelming.

What is one bit of wisdom you have for those who want to share the love of the Messiah with others?

It is so important that we meet people right where they are and attempt to speak with them in a way that is meaningful to them. Most people are not really interested in our opinions or our attempts to win an argument with them. We must allow God to work through us by the power of His Word and let others see that our concern for them is genuine.

What Scripture compels you the most to do what you do?

Romans 1:16–17, the signal New Testament passage on the meaning of the gospel, reminds us that the gospel message must go “to the Jew first.” The only salvation that God ever promised or provided was, first and foremost, for the Jewish people—through the Jewish Messiah. It is wonderful to tell people that His grace is also so abundant that it spills over and provides salvation for the entire world.

Who is the most influential person in your spiritual life?

God has given me many wonderful teachers and mentors (beginning with my parents), but the one who has impacted my ministry the most was Dr. John C. Whitcomb. I had the privilege of assisting Dr. Whitcomb with his ministry from 2003 until his homegoing in 2020. Along with that, I also had the opportunity to take 10 seminary classes under him. My Bible is filled with notes—and my heart is filled with memories—from our time together.

Listen to some of Paul's teaching at

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